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Safety Program Review & Authoring

Chemical Safety Program graphicGenerally speaking, the following written plans make up a required safety manual for companies where hazardous materials are handled. The plans must be in writing where there are more than 10 employees. For companies with less employees the plans may be communicated orally through an equivalent training program.

Hazard Communication Plan - OSHA requires employers to provide information to employees regarding the hazardous chemicals in the workplace and the hazardous properties of these chemicals. This information must be disseminated through a hazard communication program involving labeling, material safety data sheets, employee training, employee access to written records, and a written hazard communication plan. The implementation of the Hazard Communication Program will ensure all employees the "right-to-know" the hazards and identities of the chemicals with which they work.

Emergency Action and Fire Prevention Plans - OSHA requires these written plans when there is a need specified in the regulations specific to a particular application or work environment. They are meant to document the means of employee egress in the event of an emergency and to prevent the accumulation of hazardous flammable/combustible materials in the work area.

Chemical Hygiene Plan - This written plan addresses the policies, Standard Operating Procedures, etc. that ensure that employees are protected from harm due to chemicals. Where the Hazard Communication Plan details the hazards of materials used, the Chemical Hygiene Plan details means by which employees are to be protected from such hazardous materials.

Hazardous Waste and Spill Prevention Plans - The Hazardous Waste Plan details in a written form available to all employees the manner with which wastes and contaminated articles are dealt. The Spill Prevention Plan provides insight into procedures, which all employees should observe in order to prevent spills of hazardous materials.

ChemOne Compliance can audit your existing documentation and practices or, if no programs currently exist, provide site specific plans to conform to the functions performed and types of materials in use. Training programs to compliment the plans can also be provided.

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